Configuration / Settings

Most users will need to add some or all of the following entries to their Maven settings.


[1]     <pluginGroup>com.isomorphic</pluginGroup>

[2]     <server>
[3]     <server>

[4]     <profile>
[5]             <pluginRepository>
                    <name>Sonatype Release Snapshots</name>

  1. A pluginGroup entry, enabling the shorthand isc plugin prefix.

  2. A server entry, containing your SmartClient Developer credentials.

  3. Another server entry, containing the credentials you would use to deploy a file to your own repository manager.

  4. A profile containing configuration values to be used at goal execution, typically activated with a -P switch. Note that system properties can be used to complement or override values provided in the profile.

  5. A pluginRepository entry, only necessary if and when you want to test a development version of the plugin. Note that this may require use of the fully-qualified plugin name and version. e.g.,

    mvn com.isomorphic:isc-maven-plugin:1.4.0-SNAPSHOT:reify-import -Pisc

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Reflow Maven skin by Andrius Velykis.